Adult Ministries
The adults at our church come from all walks of life and span all ages- young adults, singles, couples, new parents, not so new parents, through to retirees. Everyone is welcome! There are lots of things going on each week, and plenty of ways for you to join in. Some of the areas to get involved are outlined below.
Share a meal with another church family, either as a host or guest. If you meet someone new at our church, invite them over to your home for a meal, or maybe catch up for coffee during the week.
Growth Groups
Growth Groups are a great way to be encouraged in your faith during the week, and are also a fantastic opportunity to truly get to know others in the church.
Some of our Growth Groups have also taken on local mission initiatives in our nearby community to show God’s love in action.
Music Ministry
A key component of our Sunday services is the music and singing. Our music ministry brings together people in our congregations to play instruments, lead us in singing, and drive our sound desk. New people are very welcome.
Men’s Ministry
Our men gather on occasions for specific events, including breakfasts, dinners, and talks, as well as other social outings.
Women’s Ministry
Our women visit the EQUIP Women Conference each year, hold a pre-Christmas talk in combination with a gingerbread house making afternoon, along with other occasional activities.
Prayer Groups
Periodically, weekend prayer breakfasts and prayer meetings are held at church, and on occasion we join with other local churches for combined prayer events. On a smaller level, during the week some of our congregation members meet with two other people in a prayer triplet.
Each week a group of ladies meet at our church for an evening of craft and conversation.
- When: Every Wednesday evening during school term
- Time: 7:00pm to 9:00pm
- Where: Old Hall at Rouse Hill Anglican Church
Helping with SRE
There is an endless need for more people to teach Special Religious Education in our local primary and high schools.
Prime Time Group
The Prime Time Group meets bi-monthly. The aim is to foster friendship, fun and caring among independent people in our church. For details contact Chris and Cathy Burgess on 0412 112 378, or email them by clicking the ‘Contact Prime’ button.
Check out some more Prime photos here!
English Class (ESL) – All Levels
- When: Every Friday during school term
- Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm
- Where: Rouse Hill Anglican Church
- Cost: Gold coin donation
- Further details: Please phone Yvonne on 0419 284 128.
English Conversation Class
- When: Every Monday evening during school term
- Time: 7:00pm to 8:30pm
- Where: Rouse Hill Anglican Church
- Cost: Free. Gold coin donation optional
- Further details: Please phone Yvonne on 0419 284 128.

Other ways to serve
The Christian life involves serving – helping out in any way we can to promote the gospel in people’s lives. God not only calls his people to serve, but by His Spirit he gives gifts to his people so we are able to serve. We have many opportunities to serve in very practical ways. We encourage everyone to be involved in ministry in this way.
Examples of areas in which our members presently serve:
- bringing morning tea for 10am church on Sunday
- helping with supper at 5pm church
- helping out with the maintenance of the church grounds
- assisting with Kids Club, Kids Church, JFTs and Infinity
- lending a hand with Rouse About
- reading the Bible in church
- leading church in prayer
- leading a Growth Group
- coordinating a ministry area
- being part of the music team
- helping out with administration and accounting tasks
- serving on Parish Council
- assisting with IT administration
- …