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God's Generosity & Our Generosity
How can I give?
Your regular and generous giving supports the ongoing ministry of our church and of our link missionaries. There are a number of available methods to give.
Local Giving: During church there is an opportunity to give via the offertory baskets.
Electronic Giving: This is the preferred and recommended method for giving as it allows members to carry out their planned giving at their convenience, either by EFT or by online giving.
EFT Giving:
Account Name: Rouse Hill Anglican Church
BSB: 032 111
Account no.: 249382 (Main offertory)
Account no.: 249390 (Mission giving)
Account no.: 249403 (Building fund)
The main offertory is the account from which the bulk of our church’s running costs are paid, including staff salaries and everyday resources.
Mission giving supports our link missionaries, both here in Australia and overseas.
The building fund is the account from which we make repayments for the construction our church building that opened in 2008.
Online Giving:
We have recently introduced an option for online giving. If this might be your preferred way of giving, please use the button below. (Some fees apply – see the FAQ for details).
Why Give?
The Bible gives many reasons for Christians to be generous; here are three:
- It’s our thankful and grateful response to the generosity of God who has graciously sent His Son Jesus to die for us (2 Corinthians 8-9)
- It acknowledges that all our wealth and possessions ultimately belong to God and are given to us by him as a generous gift (1 Chronicles 29)
- God has graciously made us partners in his Gospel mission (Philippians 1).
To whom should I give? And how much?
Christians have a responsibility to provide for themselves and their families (1 Thess 4:11-12, 1 Tim 5:3-8). However God also commands that Christians support Gospel work by providing for those who work among them preaching and teaching (1 Cor. 9, 1 Tim. 5) and God commands that his people care for the poor (Romans 15, James 1). Rouse Hill Anglican Church follows these biblical principles as we call on all our members to use our material resources to provide for the Gospel work carried out by Rouse Hill Anglican Church, both locally and in its support of overseas mission work.
In the Old Testament God commanded the Israelites to give a “tithe” (1o%). When Jesus came he gave no fixed percentage figures, but instead His word gives the following principles:
- Generosity (Luke 21:1-4, 2 Corinthians 8:1-4)
- Cheerfulness (2 Corinthians 9:7)
- Regularity (1 Corinthians 16:1-2)
- Sacrifice (1 Corinthians 16:1-2)
God has given each person and each family different circumstances, but we encourage you to prayerfully use these biblical principles to carefully plan your giving.
What does my generosity support?
Rouse Hill Anglican Church exists because God’s grace to us in Jesus changes lives and we want others to know about this grace.
At Rouse Hill Anglican Church we consider paid staffing to be a vital part of this mission, with the staff resourcing all the members of the church for our shared ministries. The bulk of the church’s costs are associated with staffing.
We also consider the maintenance of the church facilities essential for running programs which will grow our members and reach the community.
At Rouse Hill Anglican Church we are committed to financially supporting overseas missionary work, local school Scripture and special development and care projects in the developing world.